El clima, la naturaleza, y la imaginación. 15 October, 2022
El clima, la naturaleza, y la imaginación Jose Alberto Garibaldi, Octubre, 2022 El clima no es algo que podemos observar solo con nuestros sentidos. No
El clima, la naturaleza, y la imaginación Jose Alberto Garibaldi, Octubre, 2022 El clima no es algo que podemos observar solo con nuestros sentidos. No
Principles of Common Pool Resources (CPR). 03 May, 2024 In CPR, resource management is discussed in search of adaptive management of goods that have open
Principios de Common Pool Resources (CPR). 03 May, 2024 En CPR, se habla del manejo de recursos busca un manejo adaptativo sobre bienes que tienen
Knowledge Management. A revision. Knowledge Management plays an important role within the overall outputs of the project Learning by Doing. Given that the project does
Santiago meeting. Learning by Doing/CEPAL. Chile, 2023 Following the Paris agreements, every country has agreed nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for mitigation and adaptation towards 2030.
An off-ramp from the road to dystopia The Learning by Doing project (LbD) looks at possible development pathways and asks its participants to first imagine
Latin America and the Caribbean: visions and roadmaps towards a good life in low carbon, resilient societies. United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and
The making of the Graphic Novel In the spirit of “Learning by Doing”, we have been working on a graphic novel based on the findings
Words for Our Climate Change Challenge Gilberto Arias. Dec. 2022 In 1820[1] Baron Friedrich Willhelm Christian Karl Ferdinand von Humboldt—a Prussian philosopher, linguist, diplomat and
Promoting ambition towards climate action will never be easy. Everybody wants change, but fewer people want to actually change themselves, and to speak of ambitious
Governance and Stakeholding in Simple Sectors and Complex Systems In our project’s discussions on coherent sectoral and sub-sectoral development, we often hear of a need
Scaling up Ambitious Leadership: Learning by Doing for Strong Implementation Coalitions 15 October, 2020 “Scaling up Ambitious Leadership” is a project involving teams from Mexico,
We all have to do many things. Douglas Adams, in his fictional “trilogy” in four (or more) parts—”The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”—wrote of a
Entrada 1 Learning by Doing nace con un espíritu de aprender, narrar y discutir soluciones. 30 January, 2021 El cambio climático es una realidad ineludible
The Good Life – a quality and purpose defined approach to action: An enquiry for thinking and action in climate, the environment and the social
An Ambitious Vision for 2050 Mexico Learning by Doing – Mexico Team December 2021 By 2050, we envision a Mexican society in which social, environmental
La humanidad y el cambio del clima. Jose Alberto Garibaldi, Dec, 2021 La idea del clima tiene también una historia. Esta ha ido cambiando desde
Adaptar nuestra vida en sociedad para reducir emisiones y vivir en un clima más hostil, al tiempo que las necesidades de la gente y la
I. Backdrop and Aims of Learning by Doing In any language, by any measure, it’s a tall order. Historically, barring religious commitments, human development has
Primeros pasos: aquello que no vemos. Trabajar de abajo hacia arriba, aprendiendo al hacer, encontrar soluciones a los retos sociales, culturales, y climáticos de nuestras