It is not widely recognised that even if we limit global warming to 2-1.5 °C, there will still be a further 1 °C (minimum) rise in global temperatures from today’s levels. This will require widespread adaptation. Failure to mitigate at this level will result in greater temperature rises and the need for even more adaptation. Adaptation in turn has its own dynamic agenda and frequently requires addressing highly local, context-specific needs for communities and societies. When successful, these efforts can help drive resilience, potentially enabling the natural world and societies to adapt more quickly and overcome barriers.
In this context, the project seeks to bring a much-needed look at adaptation and mitigation synergies. The idea of envisaging a 2050 low-emitting society undertaking adaptation is increasingly more crucial. It has been the subject of various recent multi-country research efforts on which the project seeks to build. The project will do this by addressing synergistic measures that link adaptation and mitigation objectives from their inception. Linkages could include adaptation efforts that may also help with mitigation, making systems less vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, helping also with adaptation, thus enhancing resilience to climate exposure. Co-benefits of these linkages are numerous. These efforts can be related to conserving water, reducing emissions, delivering better energy systems or increasing resilience and food security. They are also relevant to a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project also seeks to encourage cooperation between nations in developing countries, making good use of global and local experience and developing opportunities for cross-cutting learning and collaboration. The project intends to advance conversations on adaptation, to further experience-building through peer learning and to promote collaboration among participants on issues related to adaptation/mitigation linkages and nature-based solutions.