Port – present, detail

Present. Port and industry.

We see a current industrialised setting. Development of this area is capital intensive, and development is already at odds with natural resources. However, politically it seems to be a good approach, as politicians can support investment and job creation—although most of the benefits will be to the capital sources, and “competitiveness” may be described in terms of low wage growth, with high and increasing pollution, and most processes are carbon-intensive. Few companies run most things.

Production is concentrated in a few places and market access is restricted. Industrial research and innovation is concentrated in the few acting companies.

Ship’s emissions affect not only the seafront, but also air and rain further inland.

Actors of all types look to “game” around norms and rules, and environment, marine, and natural resources are the last thing on anybody’s list of concerns. Production is in a take-make-waste chain.

Port – dystopia, detail

Dystopia. Port and industry.

Pollution is a nightmare, with the stench of oil and dead fish in the air for miles. Spontaneous fires sometimes play on the ocean—the water is so toxic.

No order in the shipping lanes is visible, as each operator looks to race to port fastest—to unload and turn the ship around—with no interest in limiting emissions or environmental impact near to shore.

To meet this demand, the port and associated industry has been haphazardly broadened, causing logistical tailbacks to move merchandise in and out.

Sea storms now are higher, and constant attention must be made to the seawalls. Red tide is now seasonal, but the interest is in getting more merchandise in and out faster.

It is a dangerous place to work, and wages stay low. One company runs everything.

Port – eutopia, detail

Eutopia. Port and industry.

Efficiency of marine transport is embraced, with technology to help speed movement of goods at least cost. Ships are powered from on-shore renewable energy sources while docked, thereby limiting sulphur and pollutants in the vicinity of urban areas.

Bunkering for modern low-emission fuels has been implemented, including bunkering facilities, and efficient ship-to-rail transshipment logistics are in place. To keep pollution and environmental side-effects down—even in the face of increased traffic for a burgeoning population—just-in-time slots are in place, working much like the airline industry.

The shipping sector not only works with local manufacturing, which is now distributed, but also with regional circular-economy reprocessing hubs. As such, it is part of a broader, integrated system of value-re-creation.

Employment and production is distributed, and innovation and research is happening in many places; as such, there are plural opportunities for value-creation in a more flexible employment and production environment. Production is conscious of the environment and natural resources, with a clear objective towards circular production.